Individuals will face a number of personal issues during their working life. It is important that we all gain an understanding of these issues and the support available: The number of police recorded domestic abuse-related crimes in England and Wales rose 6% in the year ending March 2021 to 845,734
Course content:
- Domestic violence including:Â Signs of Coercive control, Signs of physical and mental DV.
- Case study. Fleeing domestic violence – Support available,
- Stalking and revenge porn -What is it and how this can affect an individual and how to help.
- Sexual Harassment and support available,
- Sexual abuse including rape and support available.
- Why are women increasingly being spiked? (Rohypnol or GHB) or by injection.
- How this affects individuals and the support available.
- Post Traumatic Stress Disorder -what is it? What are the signs?
- How to build emotional and psychological resilience following trauma.