Bump2Baby&Beyond’s Working Parents Champion Training – January 2025

£995 + VAT

The fee is for per person for two days training and all resources.

Part 1: Tuesday 7 January 2025

Part 2: Tuesday 14th January 2025

(Organisations must attend both parts of the training but you can send different people to different days if required)

You may book directly on our website by clicking ‘add to basket’. If you have any further enquiries, please email us at info@bump2babybeyond.co.uk


Our training will ensure that ALL parents are better supported in the workplace. Over two days we offer expert training by specialist trainers, charities, midwives, psychologists and parents. We look at the likely challenges faced and the support required in the workplace:

  • Supporting Working Parents Champion
  • Supporting New parents Champion
  • Supporting Neurodivergent parents and parents with Neurodivergent children Champion
  • Supporting Father and partner parents Champion
  • Supporting Single Parents Champion
  • Supporting LGBTQ parents Champion
  • Supporting Adoption, Fostering and Kinship Carers parents Champion
  • Supporting Pregnancy and Infant Loss & Infertility Champion
  • Supporting Vulnerable parents

Each workplace will receive post session:

  • A comprehensive training pack for each module with lots of useful resources so you may train further champions in house
  • A recording of the session as a further training aid
  • Use of Family Friendly Employer logo and a listing on our website & associated media coverage

  • A wealth of parenting resources and toolkits to use in house for the benefit of all staff
  • A  step by step guide on how to set up Parent groups, befriender networks and support systems to benefit working parents
  • Sample parent related policies
  • B2B Parent Champion Lanyard & pin for all attendees and the opportunity to purchase additional lanyards and pins.
  • Promotional material to use in house to publicise our alliance
  • Certification