Are you REALLY Family Friendly? (3 Hour Recorded Webinar)

£250 + VAT

Are you REALLY Family Friendly?


3 Hour Webinar to use in house freely


Is your organisation really family friendly?

Know your legal responsibilities

Offer flexibility that meets staff and business needs including addressing Managers concerns

Develop an understanding workplace culture

Ensure equality of opportunity

Proactively communicate with staff

Identify support for staff

Promote your organisation’s family friendly credentials

Understanding Pregnancy in the workplace by trimester

Pregnancy safety in the workplace

Mental and Physical health during pregnancy including pregnancy sickness and workplace adjustments that could help

When a baby dies: Entitlement and support: Sample Policy is included

Compassionate leave policy: Sample Policy is included

Considering flexibility with Infertility treatment: Sample Policy is included

When a baby is premature: Sample Policy is included

Preparing to go on to Parental leave – A guide for HR and Line Managers

Considering Communication & return to work plans and KIT/SPLIT days, Workplace adjustments and flexible working requests

Preparing to return from Parental leave  – A guide for HR and Line Managers

Supporting Breastfeeding. Sample Policy is included

Likely physical and mental health post baby including Post natal depression and spotting the signs: Sample Policy is included

Can dads get postnatal depression?

Health and safety post birth including considerations for caesarean section and birth trauma

Parents give their experiences of the return to work post baby

Supporting new parents in the workplace  -not forgetting Dads and partners

We asked working parents  – what is important to them?

Guilty Parent Syndrome: The pressure on perfect parenting

Avoiding Parental Burnout. Spotting the signs and the support required

Consider workplace support including how to set up parents forums, befrienders schemes and support groups/ family networks