Are you REALLY Family Friendly? A Webinar for HR & Line Managers (Pre recorded session)


£250 + VAT

If you are not able to join the sessions on Monday 15 July 2024 or Thursday 26 September 2024 or if you want to request a recording only, please book on this session.


Course content:
Are you REALLY Family friendly? Parents experiences
We asked working parents  – what is important to them?
Parents give their experiences of the return to work post baby
Parents top concerns in returning to work post baby
Guilty Parent Syndrome: The pressure on perfect parenting
Avoiding Parental Burnout. Spotting the signs and the support required
Offer flexibility that meets staff and business needs including addressing Managers concerns
Consider workplace support including how to set up parents forums, befrienders schemes and support groups/ family networks

Understanding Pregnancy in the workplace by trimester
Pregnancy safety in the workplace
Mental and Physical health during pregnancy including pregnancy sickness and workplace adjustments that could help
Adoption and Kinship leave
Preparing to go on to Parental leave – A guide & checklist for HR and Line Managers
Keeping in touch during Parental leave  – A guide & checklist for HR and Line Managers

Preparing to return from Parental leave  – A guide & checklist for HR and Line Managers
Supporting new parents in the workplace – not forgetting Dads and partners
Likely physical and mental health post baby including Post natal depression and spotting the signs
Health and safety post birth including considerations for cesarean section and birth trauma
Can dads and partners get postnatal depression?

Post session
You will be sent a 1 hour comprehensive recorded webinar on:
When a baby dies: Entitlement and support & phased return and workplace adjustments
Considering flexibility with Infertility treatment
Numerous relevant Tool kits and sample policies covering the training session subjects
You will also receive a recording of the session for further in house training

Post session you will received certification, have use of our logo and be listed here on our new Family Friendly Employers Page